Spanking Porn

Sophia Locke spanks Chloe Surreal

Sophia Locke spanks

Many of you know Sophia Locke is no stranger to the world of spanking.  For years you could see Sophia Locke getting her cute little ass spanked on Shadowlane, Spank Amber, and even Clare Fonda’s spanking sites.  You can also see more hardcore BDSM and fetish scenes of Sophia Locke over at Kink

Sophia Locke took a few years off from the adult world to live life and decide her next moves. Well now Sophia Locke has returned and she is now popping up on the bottom warming side of the fence. I recently ran across this scene from Mommysgirl of Sophia Locke giving Chloe Surreal a good warming before things got serious.  The scene name is Spank Me, I’ve Been SO Bad! With a title like that you know it has to be good. 

Sophia Locke plays a hot MILF who needs to give Chloe Surreal a sound butt spanking for blaring her music and not being respectful.  The spanking scene is great and something I would normally post in Mainstream Spanking but It’s a great addition here.

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